Features of the ceramic fibre board

2017-12-18 16:49:00
Original 2542
Summary :The boards are designed to have high thermal stability while exposed to high temperatures. By having low heat storage capacities they tend to dispense high levels of heat compared to the amount retained in the boards.

1. Low heat storage.

The boards are designed to have high thermal stability while exposed to high temperatures. By having low heat storage capacities they tend to dispense high levels of heat compared to the amount retained in the boards.

2.Exceptional insulating performance.

The ceramic fibre board is mainly designed with superior properties for the purpose of insulating materials. The resistance against the pollution of fire gives the boards an advantage and a good function towards protecting the products while exposed to extreme temperatures.

3.Good machine ability.

 While insulating the products within the kiln, the boards have a high rigidity as well as mechanical strength when exposed to high temperatures. Hence, they are a preferred application in high temperature ceramic kilns and in backup insulating steel ladles. Further, the flexibility and the light weight nature of the boards are an added advantage.

We produce only the highest quality performance ceramic fibre board. We specialize in industrial products that are effective in saving energy costs while improving the thermal performance. Our range of products provides our customers with a variety of applications to choose from for any type of application. Our products are guaranteed to increase the performance of your production in your industry.

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